Submitting Corrected PACFilings

There are circumstances where the court classifies a PACFiling as incomplete or incorrect, but accepts it on the condition that the submitter supplies whatever additional information is required. This often occurs when a document is submitted with a filing that is missing components, missing pages, or the content is illegible. When this situation occurs, a notification is sent to the submitter.

In these circumstances, rather than having the submitter repeat the same PACFiling process, an abbreviated option is available for resubmitting a perfected document. When the perfected document is ready to be submitted, it can be initiated through the Case Filing wizard with a filing type of Corrected PACFiling. The wizard is otherwise completed normally and should require minimal data entry. This distinct filing type helps the court identify the nature of the submission and process it more quickly.

No fees are associated with this submission.

The ‘Corrected PACFiling’ filing type is selected when submitting a perfected document.